Source code for craft_parts.plugins.uv_plugin

# -*- Mode:Python; indent-tabs-mode:nil; tab-width:4 -*-
# Copyright 2020-2024 Canonical Ltd.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""The uv plugin."""

import shlex
from typing import Literal

import pydantic
from overrides import override

from craft_parts import errors
from craft_parts.plugins import validator

from .base import BasePythonPlugin
from .properties import PluginProperties

[docs] class UvPluginProperties(PluginProperties, frozen=True): """The part properties used by the uv plugin.""" plugin: Literal["uv"] = "uv" uv_extras: set[str] = pydantic.Field( default_factory=set, title="Optional extra dependencies", description="Optional extra dependencies to include when installing.", ) uv_groups: set[str] = pydantic.Field( default_factory=set, title="Optional dependency groups", description="Optional dependency groups to include when installing.", ) # part properties required by the plugin source: str # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues]
[docs] class UvPluginEnvironmentValidator(validator.PluginEnvironmentValidator): """Check the execution environment for the uv plugin. :param part_name: The part whose build environment is being validated. :param env: A string containing the build step environment setup. """ _options: UvPluginProperties
[docs] @override def validate_environment( self, *, part_dependencies: list[str] | None = None ) -> None: """Ensure the environment has the dependencies to build uv applications. :param part_dependencies: A list of the parts this part depends on. """ version = self.validate_dependency( dependency="uv", plugin_name=self._options.plugin, part_dependencies=part_dependencies, argument="version", ) if not version.startswith("uv") and ( part_dependencies is None or "uv-deps" not in part_dependencies ): raise errors.PluginEnvironmentValidationError( part_name=self._part_name, reason=f"invalid uv version {version!r}", )
[docs] class UvPlugin(BasePythonPlugin): """A plugin to build python parts.""" properties_class = UvPluginProperties validator_class = UvPluginEnvironmentValidator _options: UvPluginProperties @override def _get_pip(self) -> str: return "uv pip" @override def _get_rewrite_shebangs_commands(self) -> list[str]: return [] def _get_create_venv_commands(self) -> list[str]: # Explicitly request a Python version if provided by the plugin, otherwise use the global # parts interpreter. python_ver = ( self._get_system_python_interpreter() or "$(which ${PARTS_PYTHON_INTERPRETER})" ) return [ f'uv venv --relocatable --allow-existing --python {python_ver} "{self._get_venv_directory()}"', f'PARTS_PYTHON_VENV_INTERP_PATH="{self._get_venv_directory()}/bin/${{PARTS_PYTHON_INTERPRETER}}"', ] @override def _get_package_install_commands(self) -> list[str]: """Return a list of commands to run during the build step.""" sync_command = [ "uv", "sync", "--no-dev", "--no-editable", "--reinstall", ] for extra in sorted(self._options.uv_extras): sync_command.extend(["--extra", extra]) for group in sorted(self._options.uv_groups): sync_command.extend(["--group", group]) return [shlex.join(sync_command)]
[docs] @override def get_build_environment(self) -> dict[str, str]: """Return a dictionary with the environment to use in the build step.""" venv_dir = str(self._get_venv_directory().resolve()) return super().get_build_environment() | { "VIRTUAL_ENV": venv_dir, "UV_PROJECT_ENVIRONMENT": venv_dir, "UV_FROZEN": "true", "UV_PYTHON_DOWNLOADS": "never", "UV_PYTHON": '"${PARTS_PYTHON_INTERPRETER}"', "UV_PYTHON_PREFERENCE": "only-system", }