craft_parts.utils.process module

Utilities for executing subprocesses and handling their stdout and stderr streams.

exception craft_parts.utils.process.ProcessError(result)[source]

Bases: Exception

Simple error for failed processes.

Generally raised if the return code of a process is non-zero.


result (ProcessResult)

result: ProcessResult
class craft_parts.utils.process.ProcessResult(returncode, stdout, stderr, combined, command)[source]

Bases: object

Describes the outcome of a process.

  • returncode (int)

  • stdout (bytes)

  • stderr (bytes)

  • combined (bytes)

  • command (str | Path | Sequence[str | Path])


Raise an exception if the process returned non-zero.

Return type:


combined: bytes
command: str | Path | Sequence[str | Path]
returncode: int
stderr: bytes
stdout: bytes, *, cwd=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, check=True, selector=None)[source]

Execute a subprocess and collect its output.

This function collects the stdout and stderr streams as separate accounts and a singular, combined account.

  • command (str | Path | Sequence[str | Path]) – Command to execute.

  • cwd (Optional[Path]) – Path to execute in.

  • stdout (Union[TextIO, int, None]) – Handle to a fd or I/O stream to treat as stdout. None defaults to sys.stdout, and process.DEVNULL can be passed for no printing or stream capturing.

  • stderr (Union[TextIO, int, None]) – Handle to a fd or I/O stream to treat as stderr. None defaults to sys.stderr, and process.DEVNULL can be passed for no printing or stream capturing.

  • check (bool) – If True, a ProcessError exception will be raised if command returns a non-zero return code.

  • selector (Optional[BaseSelector]) – If defined, use the caller-supplied selector instead of creating a new one.

  • ProcessError – If process exits with a non-zero return code.

  • OSError – If the specified executable is not found.


A description of the process’ outcome.

Return type:
