Hello craft-parts

In this tutorial, you will build a parts-based project from scratch, using only a text editor, a terminal, and the craft-parts command line.


  • a text editor

  • craft-parts installed in a Python virtual environment

  • a terminal with that virtual environment activated.

Basic Parts File

Create a directory. Put the following text into a file called parts.yaml:

    plugin: nil

Craft the Parts

Now that you have a very basic parts.yaml file, it’s time to build the package. To begin with, examine what craft-parts plans to do without actually doing any of it:

python -m craft_parts --dry-run

The output should be each of the crafting steps on the hello part, in order:

Pull hello
Overlay hello
Build hello
Stage hello
Prime hello

Now, run the full lifecycle:

python -m craft_parts

This will take a bit longer, but the output will be similar, with the notable exception that craft-parts will tell you that it’s actually executing the steps.

Execute: Pull hello
Execute: Overlay hello
Execute: Build hello
Execute: Stage hello
Execute: Prime hello

You’ve done it! You’ve built a craft-parts project! The full directory structure will now be set up. Check it with:

find .

and see the newly created files and directories.


Say Hello

This project isn’t very useful, given that it’s empty, but it has each of the important elements. Let’s expand on it a bit. Add two more lines to parts.yaml so it looks as follows:

    plugin: nil
    source: hello.sh
    source-type: file

In the same directory, create a small shell script called hello.sh with the following contents:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo 'Hello craft-parts!'

Save your files and re-run craft-parts. The changes will cause it to pull the part again, which will lead to the re-run of each step in order.

python -m craft_parts
Execute: Repull hello (properties changed)
Execute: Overlay hello
Execute: Build hello
Execute: Stage hello
Execute: Prime hello

What does this mean in practice? It means that there is now a copy of hello.sh in parts/hello/src, ready to be used as the source code for your parts project. But it’s a bash script, so it’s not only the source of the project, but the output too. Since we don’t need to do any fancy filesystem work, we can skip the overlay step and go straight to build.

Time to build

While by default the nil plugin doesn’t do anything during the build step, we’re going to “build” the project by copying the script to the install directory, where the STAGE step will read from. The location of the install directory is in the $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL environment variable. During each step, several CRAFT_* variables are added to the environment. Add an override-build step to parts.yaml:

    plugin: nil
    source: hello.sh
    source-type: file
    override-build: |
      cp hello.sh "${CRAFT_PART_INSTALL}/hello"
      chmod +x "${CRAFT_PART_INSTALL}/hello"

Running craft-parts with the --verbose flag:

python -m craft_parts --verbose

will output not just which steps craft-parts executes, but what commands it runs along the way:

Execute: Rebuild hello ('override-build' property changed)
+ pwd
+ cp hello.sh /home/ubuntu/hello-craft-parts/parts/hello/install/hello
Execute: Stage hello
Execute: Prime hello

Late Stage

At this point, craft-parts takes over, automatically staging and priming the hello script for us. A part that’s missing its stage and prime sections will have the entire contents of the install directory copied along at each stage. It is functionally equivalent to:

    plugin: nil
    source: hello.sh
    source-type: file
    override-build: |
      cp hello.sh "${CRAFT_PART_INSTALL}/hello"
      chmod +x "${CRAFT_PART_INSTALL}/hello"
      - "*"
      - "*"

And so, at long last, we have a fully primed and functional craft-parts project. And with that, it’s time to enter the prime directory and run our program:

cd prime
Hello craft-parts!

Hello craft-parts, indeed.