# -*- Mode:Python; indent-tabs-mode:nil; tab-width:4 -*-
# Copyright 2021-2022 Canonical Ltd.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Project, part and step information classes."""
import logging
import platform
import re
from collections.abc import Sequence
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
import pydantic
from craft_parts import errors
from craft_parts.dirs import ProjectDirs
from craft_parts.parts import Part
from craft_parts.steps import Step
from craft_parts.state_manager import states
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Architecture name translation from platform to deb/snap.
"aarch64": "arm64",
"armv7l": "armhf",
"i686": "i386",
"ppc": "powerpc",
"ppc64le": "ppc64el",
"x86_64": "amd64",
"AMD64": "amd64", # Windows support
# Equivalent platform machine values.
"AMD64": "x86_64",
"ARM64": "aarch64",
"amd64": "x86_64",
"arm64": "aarch64",
"armv7hl": "armv7l",
"armv8l": "armv7l",
"i386": "i686",
"x64": "x86_64",
# Debian architecture to cpu-vendor-os platform triplet.
_DEB_TO_TRIPLET: dict[str, str] = {
"amd64": "x86_64-linux-gnu",
"arm64": "aarch64-linux-gnu",
"armhf": "arm-linux-gnueabihf",
"i386": "i386-linux-gnu",
"powerpc": "powerpc-linux-gnu",
"ppc64el": "powerpc64le-linux-gnu",
"riscv64": "riscv64-linux-gnu",
"s390x": "s390x-linux-gnu",
_var_name_pattern = re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$")
class ProjectVar(pydantic.BaseModel):
"""Project variables that can be updated using craftctl."""
value: str
updated: bool = False
# pylint: disable-next=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-public-methods
class ProjectInfo:
"""Project-level information containing project-specific fields.
:param application_name: A unique identifier for the application using
Craft Parts.
:param project_name: Name of the project being built.
:param cache_dir: The path to store cached packages and files. If not
specified, a directory under the application name entry in the XDG
base directory will be used.
:param arch: The architecture to build for. Defaults to the host system
:param parallel_build_count: The maximum number of concurrent jobs to be
used to build each part of this project.
:param strict_mode: Only allow plugins capable of building in strict mode.
:param project_dirs: The project work directories.
:param project_name: The name of the project.
:param project_vars_part_name: Project variables can be set only if
the part name matches this name.
:param project_vars: A dictionary containing the project variables.
:param custom_args: Any additional arguments defined by the application
when creating a :class:`LifecycleManager`.
:param partitions: A list of partitions.
def __init__( # noqa: PLR0913
application_name: str,
cache_dir: Path,
arch: str = "",
base: str = "",
parallel_build_count: int = 1,
strict_mode: bool = False,
project_dirs: ProjectDirs | None = None,
project_name: str | None = None,
project_vars_part_name: str | None = None,
project_vars: dict[str, str] | None = None,
partitions: list[str] | None = None,
base_layer_dir: Path | None = None,
base_layer_hash: bytes | None = None,
**custom_args: Any, # custom passthrough args
) -> None:
if arch and arch not in _DEB_TO_TRIPLET:
raise errors.InvalidArchitecture(arch)
if not project_dirs:
project_dirs = ProjectDirs(partitions=partitions)
pvars = project_vars or {}
self._application_name = application_name
self._cache_dir = Path(cache_dir).expanduser().resolve()
self._host_arch = _get_host_architecture()
self._arch = arch or self._host_arch
self._base = base # base usage is deprecated
self._parallel_build_count = parallel_build_count
self._strict_mode = strict_mode
self._dirs = project_dirs
self._project_name = project_name
self._project_vars_part_name = project_vars_part_name
self._project_vars = {k: ProjectVar(value=v) for k, v in pvars.items()}
self._partitions = partitions
self._custom_args = custom_args
self._base_layer_dir = base_layer_dir
self._base_layer_hash = base_layer_hash
self.global_environment: dict[str, str] = {}
self.execution_finished = False
def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: # noqa: ANN401
if hasattr(self._dirs, name):
return getattr(self._dirs, name)
if name in self._custom_args:
return self._custom_args[name]
raise AttributeError(f"{self.__class__.__name__!r} has no attribute {name!r}")
def custom_args(self) -> list[str]:
"""Return the list of custom argument names."""
return list(self._custom_args.keys())
def application_name(self) -> str:
"""Return the name of the application using craft-parts."""
return self._application_name
def cache_dir(self) -> Path:
"""Return the directory used to store cached files."""
return self._cache_dir
def arch_build_on(self) -> str:
"""The architecture we are building on."""
return self._host_arch
def arch_build_for(self) -> str:
"""The architecture we are building for."""
return self._arch
def arch_triplet_build_on(self) -> str:
"""The machine-vendor-os triplet for the platform we are building on."""
return _DEB_TO_TRIPLET[self._host_arch]
def arch_triplet_build_for(self) -> str:
"""The machine-vendor-os triplet for the platform we are building for."""
return _DEB_TO_TRIPLET[self._arch]
def arch_triplet(self) -> str:
"""Return the machine-vendor-os platform triplet definition."""
return _DEB_TO_TRIPLET[self._arch]
def is_cross_compiling(self) -> bool:
"""Whether the target and host architectures are different."""
return self._arch != self._host_arch
def parallel_build_count(self) -> int:
"""Return the maximum allowable number of concurrent build jobs."""
return self._parallel_build_count
def strict_mode(self) -> bool:
"""Return whether this project must be built in 'strict' mode."""
return self._strict_mode
def host_arch(self) -> str:
"""Return the host architecture used for debs, snaps and charms."""
return self._host_arch
def target_arch(self) -> str:
"""Return the target architecture used for debs, snaps and charms."""
return self._arch
def base(self) -> str:
"""Return the project build base."""
return self._base
def dirs(self) -> ProjectDirs:
"""Return the project's work directories."""
return self._dirs
def project_name(self) -> str | None:
"""Return the name of the project using craft-parts."""
return self._project_name
def project_vars_part_name(self) -> str | None:
"""Return the name of the part that can set project vars."""
return self._project_vars_part_name
def project_options(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Obtain a project-wide options dictionary."""
return {
"application_name": self.application_name,
"arch_triplet": self.arch_triplet,
"target_arch": self.target_arch,
"project_vars_part_name": self._project_vars_part_name,
"project_vars": self._project_vars,
def partitions(self) -> list[str] | None:
"""Return the project's partitions."""
return self._partitions
def base_layer_dir(self) -> Path | None:
"""Return the directory containing the base layer (if any)."""
return self._base_layer_dir
def base_layer_hash(self) -> bytes | None:
"""Return the hash of the base layer (if any)."""
return self._base_layer_hash
def set_project_var(
name: str,
value: str,
raw_write: bool = False, # noqa: FBT001, FBT002
part_name: str | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Set the value of a project variable.
Variable values can be set once. Project variables are not intended for
logic construction in user scripts, setting it multiple times is likely to
be an error.
:param name: The project variable name.
:param value: The new project variable value.
:param part_name: If not None, variable setting is restricted to the named part.
:param raw_write: Whether the variable is written without access verifications.
:raise ValueError: If there is no custom argument with the given name.
:raise RuntimeError: If a write-once variable is set a second time, or if a
part name is specified and the variable is set from a different part.
if raw_write:
self._project_vars[name].value = value
self._project_vars[name].updated = True
if self._project_vars[name].updated:
raise RuntimeError(f"variable {name!r} can be set only once")
if self._project_vars_part_name == part_name:
self._project_vars[name].value = value
self._project_vars[name].updated = True
elif not self._project_vars_part_name:
raise RuntimeError(
f"variable {name!r} can only be set in a part that "
"adopts external metadata"
raise RuntimeError(
f"variable {name!r} can only be set "
f"in part {self._project_vars_part_name!r}"
def get_project_var(self, name: str, *, raw_read: bool = False) -> str:
"""Get the value of a project variable.
Variables must be consumed by the application only after the lifecycle
execution ends to prevent unexpected behavior if steps are skipped.
:param name: The project variable name.
:param raw_read: Whether the variable is read without access verifications.
:return: The value of the variable.
:raise ValueError: If there is no project variable with the given name.
:raise RuntimeError: If the variable is consumed during the lifecycle execution.
if not raw_read and not self.execution_finished:
raise RuntimeError(
f"cannot consume variable {name!r} during lifecycle execution"
return self._project_vars[name].value
def _ensure_valid_variable_name(self, name: str) -> None:
"""Raise an error if variable name is invalid.
:param name: The variable name to verify.
if not _var_name_pattern.match(name):
raise ValueError(f"{name!r} is not a valid variable name")
if name not in self._project_vars:
raise ValueError(f"{name!r} not in project variables")
class PartInfo:
"""Part-level information containing project and part fields.
:param project_info: The project information.
:param part: The part we want to obtain information from.
def __init__(
project_info: ProjectInfo,
part: Part,
) -> None:
self._project_info = project_info
self._part_name = part.name
self._part_src_dir = part.part_src_dir
self._part_src_subdir = part.part_src_subdir
self._part_build_dir = part.part_build_dir
self._part_build_subdir = part.part_build_subdir
self._part_install_dir = part.part_install_dir
self._part_state_dir = part.part_state_dir
self._part_cache_dir = part.part_cache_dir
self._part_dependencies = part.dependencies
self.build_attributes = part.spec.build_attributes.copy()
def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: # noqa: ANN401
# Use composition and attribute cascading to avoid setting attributes
# cumulatively in the init method.
if hasattr(self._project_info, name):
return getattr(self._project_info, name)
raise AttributeError(f"{self.__class__.__name__!r} has no attribute {name!r}")
def project_info(self) -> ProjectInfo:
"""Return the project information."""
return self._project_info
def part_name(self) -> str:
"""Return the name of the part we're providing information about."""
return self._part_name
def part_src_dir(self) -> Path:
"""Return the subdirectory containing the part's source code."""
return self._part_src_dir
def part_src_subdir(self) -> Path:
"""Return the subdirectory in source containing the source subtree (if any)."""
return self._part_src_subdir
def part_build_dir(self) -> Path:
"""Return the subdirectory containing the part's build tree."""
return self._part_build_dir
def part_build_subdir(self) -> Path:
"""Return the subdirectory in build containing the source subtree (if any)."""
return self._part_build_subdir
def part_install_dir(self) -> Path:
"""Return the subdirectory to install the part's build artifacts."""
return self._part_install_dir
def part_state_dir(self) -> Path:
"""Return the subdirectory containing this part's lifecycle state."""
return self._part_state_dir
def part_cache_dir(self) -> Path:
"""Return the subdirectory containing this part's cache directory."""
return self._part_cache_dir
def part_dependencies(self) -> Sequence[str]:
"""Return the names of the parts that this part depends on."""
return self._part_dependencies
def set_project_var(
self, name: str, value: str, *, raw_write: bool = False
) -> None:
"""Set the value of a project variable.
Variable values can be set once. Project variables are not intended for
logic construction in user scripts, setting it multiple times is likely to
be an error.
:param name: The project variable name.
:param value: The new project variable value.
:param raw_write: Whether the variable is written without access verifications.
:raise ValueError: If there is no custom argument with the given name.
:raise RuntimeError: If a write-once variable is set a second time, or if a
part name is specified and the variable is set from a different part.
name, value, part_name=self._part_name, raw_write=raw_write
def get_project_var(self, name: str, *, raw_read: bool = False) -> str:
"""Get the value of a project variable.
Variables must be consumed by the application only after the lifecycle
execution ends to prevent unexpected behavior if steps are skipped.
:param name: The project variable name.
:param raw_read: Whether the variable is read without access verifications.
:return: The value of the variable.
:raise ValueError: If there is no project variable with the given name.
:raise RuntimeError: If the variable is consumed during the lifecycle execution.
return self._project_info.get_project_var(name, raw_read=raw_read)
class StepInfo:
"""Step-level information containing project, part, and step fields.
:param part_info: The part information.
:param step: The step we want to obtain information from.
def __init__(
part_info: PartInfo,
step: Step,
) -> None:
self._part_info = part_info
self.step = step
self.step_environment: dict[str, str] = {}
self.state: states.StepState | None = None
def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: # noqa: ANN401
if hasattr(self._part_info, name):
return getattr(self._part_info, name)
raise AttributeError(f"{self.__class__.__name__!r} has no attribute {name!r}")
def _get_host_architecture() -> str:
"""Obtain the host system architecture."""
machine = platform.machine()
machine = _PLATFORM_MACHINE_VARIATIONS.get(machine, machine)
return _PLATFORM_MACHINE_TO_DEB.get(machine, machine)