Source code for craft_parts.executor.step_handler

# -*- Mode:Python; indent-tabs-mode:nil; tab-width:4 -*-
# Copyright 2016-2025 Canonical Ltd.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""Handle the execution of built-in or user specified step commands."""

import dataclasses
import functools
import json
import logging
import os
import selectors
import socket
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TextIO

from craft_parts import errors, packages
from craft_parts.infos import StepInfo
from import Part
from craft_parts.plugins import Plugin
from craft_parts.sources.local_source import SourceHandler
from craft_parts.steps import Step
from craft_parts.utils import process

from . import filesets
from .filesets import Fileset
from .migration import migrate_files

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Stream = TextIO | int | None

[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class StepContents: """Files and directories to be added to the step's state.""" files: set[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set) dirs: set[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
[docs] class StepHandler: """Executes built-in or user-specified step commands. The step handler takes care of the execution of a step, using either a built-in set of actions to be taken, or executing a user-defined script defined in the part specification User-defined scripts may also call the built-in handler for a step by invoking a control utility. This class implements the built-in handlers and a FIFO-based mechanism and API to be used by the external control utility to communicate with the running instance. """ def __init__( self, part: Part, *, step_info: StepInfo, plugin: Plugin, source_handler: SourceHandler | None, env: str, stdout: Stream = None, stderr: Stream = None, partitions: set[str] | None = None, ) -> None: self._part = part self._step_info = step_info self._plugin = plugin self._source_handler = source_handler self._env = env self._stdout = stdout self._stderr = stderr self._partitions = partitions
[docs] def run_builtin(self) -> StepContents: """Run the built-in commands for the current step.""" step = self._step_info.step if step == Step.PULL: handler = self._builtin_pull elif step == Step.OVERLAY: handler = self._builtin_overlay elif step == Step.BUILD: handler = self._builtin_build elif step == Step.STAGE: handler = self._builtin_stage elif step == Step.PRIME: handler = self._builtin_prime else: raise RuntimeError( "Request to run the built-in handler for an invalid step." ) return handler()
def _builtin_pull(self) -> StepContents: if self._source_handler: self._source_handler.pull() pull_commands = self._plugin.get_pull_commands() if pull_commands: try: _create_and_run_script( pull_commands, script_path=self._part.part_run_dir.absolute() / "", cwd=self._part.part_src_subdir, stdout=self._stdout, stderr=self._stderr, ) except process.ProcessError as process_error: raise ( errors.PluginPullError( ) from process_error return StepContents() @staticmethod def _builtin_overlay() -> StepContents: return StepContents() def _builtin_build(self) -> StepContents: # Plugin commands. build_commands = self._plugin.get_build_commands() # save script to set the build environment build_environment_script_path = ( self._part.part_run_dir.absolute() / "" ) build_environment_script_path.write_text(self._env) build_environment_script_path.chmod(0o644) try: _create_and_run_script( build_commands, script_path=self._part.part_run_dir.absolute() / "", environment_script_path=build_environment_script_path, cwd=self._part.part_build_subdir, stdout=self._stdout, stderr=self._stderr, ) except process.ProcessError as process_error: raise errors.PluginBuildError(, plugin_name=self._part.plugin_name, stderr=process_error.result.stderr, ) from process_error return StepContents() def _builtin_stage(self) -> StepContents: stage_fileset = Fileset(self._part.spec.stage_files, name="stage") def pkgconfig_fixup(file_path: str) -> None: if os.path.islink(file_path): return if not file_path.endswith(".pc"): return packages.fix_pkg_config( prefix_prepend=self._part.stage_dir, pkg_config_file=Path(file_path), prefix_trim=self._part.part_install_dir, ) if self._partitions: files: set[str] = set() dirs: set[str] = set() for partition in self._partitions: partition_files, partition_dirs = filesets.migratable_filesets( stage_fileset, str(self._part.part_install_dirs[partition]), partition, ) partition_files, partition_dirs = migrate_files( files=partition_files, dirs=partition_dirs, srcdir=self._part.part_install_dirs[partition], destdir=self._part.dirs.get_stage_dir(partition), fixup_func=pkgconfig_fixup, ) files.update(partition_files) dirs.update(partition_dirs) else: files, dirs = filesets.migratable_filesets( stage_fileset, str(self._part.part_install_dir) ) files, dirs = migrate_files( files=files, dirs=dirs, srcdir=self._part.part_install_dir, destdir=self._part.stage_dir, fixup_func=pkgconfig_fixup, ) return StepContents(files, dirs) def _builtin_prime(self) -> StepContents: prime_fileset = Fileset(self._part.spec.prime_files, name="prime") # If we're priming and we don't have an explicit set of files to prime # include the files from the stage step if prime_fileset.entries == ["*"] or len(prime_fileset.includes) == 0: stage_fileset = Fileset(self._part.spec.stage_files, name="stage") prime_fileset.combine(stage_fileset) if self._partitions: files: set[str] = set() dirs: set[str] = set() for partition in self._partitions: partition_files, partition_dirs = filesets.migratable_filesets( prime_fileset, str(self._part.part_install_dirs[partition]), partition, ) srcdir = self._part.dirs.get_stage_dir(partition) destdir = self._part.dirs.get_prime_dir(partition) partition_files, partition_dirs = migrate_files( files=partition_files, dirs=partition_dirs, srcdir=srcdir, destdir=destdir, permissions=self._part.spec.permissions, ) files.update(partition_files) dirs.update(partition_dirs) else: files, dirs = filesets.migratable_filesets( prime_fileset, str(self._part.part_install_dir) ) files, dirs = migrate_files( files=files, dirs=dirs, srcdir=self._part.stage_dir, destdir=self._part.prime_dir, permissions=self._part.spec.permissions, ) return StepContents(files, dirs)
[docs] def run_scriptlet( self, scriptlet: str, *, scriptlet_name: str, step: Step, work_dir: Path, ) -> None: """Execute a scriptlet. :param scriptlet: the scriptlet to run. :param work_dir: the directory where the script will be executed. """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: ctl_socket_path = os.path.join(tempdir, "craftctl.socket") ctl_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) ctl_socket.bind(ctl_socket_path) ctl_socket.listen(1) selector = self._ctl_server_selector(step, scriptlet_name, ctl_socket) environment = f"export PARTS_CTL_SOCKET={ctl_socket_path}\n" + self._env environment_script_path = Path(tempdir) / "" environment_script_path.write_text(environment) environment_script_path.chmod(0o644) try: _create_and_run_script( [scriptlet], script_path=Path(tempdir) / "", cwd=work_dir, stdout=self._stdout, stderr=self._stderr, environment_script_path=environment_script_path, selector=selector, ) except process.ProcessError as process_error: raise errors.ScriptletRunError(, scriptlet_name=scriptlet_name, exit_code=process_error.result.returncode, stderr=process_error.result.stderr, ) from process_error finally: ctl_socket.close()
def _ctl_server_selector( self, step: Step, scriptlet_name: str, stream: socket.socket ) -> selectors.BaseSelector: selector = selectors.SelectSelector() def accept(sock: socket.socket, _mask: int) -> None: conn, addr = sock.accept() selector.register(conn, selectors.EVENT_READ, read) def read(conn: socket.socket, _mask: int) -> None: data = conn.recv(1024) logger.debug(f"ctl server received: {data!s}") if not data: selector.unregister(conn) conn.close() return try: retval = self._handle_control_api( step, scriptlet_name, data.decode("utf-8") ) conn.send((f"OK {retval!s}\n" if retval else "OK\n").encode()) except errors.PluginBuildError: # If craftctl default raises PluginBuildError, pass it upwards. raise except errors.PartsError as error: conn.send(f"ERR {error!s}\n".encode()) selector.register(stream, selectors.EVENT_READ, accept) return selector def _handle_control_api( self, step: Step, scriptlet_name: str, function_call: str ) -> str: """Parse the command message received from the client.""" try: function_json = json.loads(function_call) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as err: raise RuntimeError( f"{scriptlet_name!r} scriptlet called a function with invalid json: " f"{function_call}" ) from err for attr in ["function", "args"]: if attr not in function_json: raise RuntimeError( f"{scriptlet_name!r} control call missing attribute {attr!r}" ) cmd_name = function_json["function"] cmd_args = function_json["args"] return self._process_api_commands( cmd_name, cmd_args, step=step, scriptlet_name=scriptlet_name ) def _process_api_commands( self, cmd_name: str, cmd_args: list[str], *, step: Step, scriptlet_name: str ) -> str: """Invoke API command actions.""" retval = "" invalid_control_api_call = functools.partial( errors.InvalidControlAPICall,, scriptlet_name=scriptlet_name, ) if cmd_name == "default": if len(cmd_args) > 0: raise invalid_control_api_call( message=f"invalid arguments to command {cmd_name!r}", ) self._execute_builtin_handler(step) elif cmd_name == "set": if len(cmd_args) != 1: raise invalid_control_api_call( message=(f"invalid arguments to command {cmd_name!r}"), ) if "=" not in cmd_args[0]: raise invalid_control_api_call( message=( f"invalid arguments to command {cmd_name!r} (want key=value)" ), ) name, value = cmd_args[0].split("=") try: self._step_info.set_project_var(name, value) except (ValueError, RuntimeError) as err: raise errors.InvalidControlAPICall(, scriptlet_name=scriptlet_name, message=str(err), ) from err elif cmd_name == "get": if len(cmd_args) != 1: raise invalid_control_api_call( message=(f"invalid number of arguments to command {cmd_name!r}"), ) (name,) = cmd_args try: retval = self._step_info.get_project_var(name, raw_read=True) except ValueError as err: raise errors.InvalidControlAPICall(, scriptlet_name=scriptlet_name, message=str(err), ) from err else: raise invalid_control_api_call( message=f"invalid command {cmd_name!r}", ) return retval def _execute_builtin_handler(self, step: Step) -> None: if step == Step.PULL: self._builtin_pull() elif step == Step.OVERLAY: self._builtin_overlay() elif step == Step.BUILD: self._builtin_build() elif step == Step.STAGE: self._builtin_stage() elif step == Step.PRIME: self._builtin_prime()
def _create_and_run_script( commands: list[str], script_path: Path, cwd: Path, stdout: Stream, stderr: Stream, environment_script_path: Path | None = None, selector: selectors.BaseSelector | None = None, ) -> None: """Create a script with step-specific commands and execute it.""" with"w") as run_file: print("#!/bin/bash", file=run_file) print("set -euo pipefail", file=run_file) if environment_script_path: print(f"source {environment_script_path}", file=run_file) print("set -x", file=run_file) for cmd in commands: print(cmd, file=run_file) script_path.chmod(0o755) logger.debug("Executing %r", script_path) [script_path], cwd=cwd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, check=True, selector=selector, )