Source code for craft_parts.executor.environment

# -*- Mode:Python; indent-tabs-mode:nil; tab-width:4 -*-
# Copyright 2020-2023 Canonical Ltd.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""Helpers to handle part environment setting."""

import io
import logging
from import Iterable
from typing import Any, cast

from craft_parts import errors
from craft_parts.features import Features
from craft_parts.infos import ProjectInfo, StepInfo
from import Part
from craft_parts.plugins import Plugin
from craft_parts.steps import Step
from craft_parts.utils import os_utils

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def generate_step_environment( *, part: Part, plugin: Plugin, step_info: StepInfo ) -> str: """Generate an environment to use during step execution. :param part: The part being processed. :param plugin: The plugin used to build this part. :param step_info: Information about the step to be executed. :return: The environment to use when executing the step. """ # Craft parts' say. parts_environment = _basic_environment_for_part(part=part, step_info=step_info) # Plugin's say. if step_info.step == Step.BUILD: plugin_environment = plugin.get_build_environment() else: plugin_environment = {} # Part's (user) say. user_environment = part.spec.build_environment or [] # Create the script. with io.StringIO() as run_environment: print("# Environment", file=run_environment) print("## Application environment", file=run_environment) for key, val in step_info.global_environment.items(): print(f'export {key}="{val}"', file=run_environment) for key, val in step_info.step_environment.items(): print(f'export {key}="{val}"', file=run_environment) print("## Part environment", file=run_environment) for key, val in parts_environment.items(): print(f'export {key}="{val}"', file=run_environment) print("## Plugin environment", file=run_environment) for key, val in plugin_environment.items(): print(f'export {key}="{val}"', file=run_environment) print("## User environment", file=run_environment) for env in user_environment: for key, val in env.items(): print(f'export {key}="{val}"', file=run_environment) # Return something suitable for Runner. return run_environment.getvalue()
def _basic_environment_for_part(part: Part, *, step_info: StepInfo) -> dict[str, str]: """Return the built-in part environment. :param part: The part to get environment information from. :param step_info: Information for this step. :return: A dictionary containing the built-in environment. """ part_environment = _get_step_environment(step_info) paths = [part.part_install_dir, part.stage_dir] bin_paths = [] for path in paths: bin_paths.extend(os_utils.get_bin_paths(root=path, existing_only=True)) if bin_paths: bin_paths.append("$PATH") part_environment["PATH"] = _combine_paths( paths=bin_paths, prepend="", separator=":" ) include_paths = [] for path in paths: include_paths.extend( os_utils.get_include_paths(root=path, arch_triplet=step_info.arch_triplet) ) if include_paths: for envvar in ["CPPFLAGS", "CFLAGS", "CXXFLAGS"]: part_environment[envvar] = _combine_paths( paths=include_paths, prepend="-isystem ", separator=" " ) library_paths = [] for path in paths: library_paths.extend( os_utils.get_library_paths(root=path, arch_triplet=step_info.arch_triplet) ) if library_paths: part_environment["LDFLAGS"] = _combine_paths( paths=library_paths, prepend="-L", separator=" " ) pkg_config_paths = [] for path in paths: pkg_config_paths.extend( os_utils.get_pkg_config_paths( root=path, arch_triplet=step_info.arch_triplet ) ) if pkg_config_paths: part_environment["PKG_CONFIG_PATH"] = _combine_paths( pkg_config_paths, prepend="", separator=":" ) return part_environment def _get_global_environment(info: ProjectInfo) -> dict[str, str]: """Add project and part information variables to the environment. :param step_info: Information about the current step. :return: A dictionary containing environment variables and values. """ global_environment = { # deprecated, use CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET_BUILD_{ON|FOR} "CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET": info.arch_triplet, # deprecated, use CRAFT_ARCH_BUILD_FOR "CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH": info.target_arch, "CRAFT_ARCH_BUILD_ON": info.arch_build_on, "CRAFT_ARCH_BUILD_FOR": info.arch_build_for, "CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET_BUILD_ON": info.arch_triplet_build_on, "CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET_BUILD_FOR": info.arch_triplet_build_for, "CRAFT_PARALLEL_BUILD_COUNT": str(info.parallel_build_count), "CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR": str(info.project_dir), } if Features().enable_overlay: global_environment["CRAFT_OVERLAY"] = str(info.overlay_mount_dir) if Features().enable_partitions: global_environment.update(_get_environment_for_partitions(info)) global_environment["CRAFT_STAGE"] = str(info.stage_dir) global_environment["CRAFT_PRIME"] = str(info.prime_dir) if info.project_name is not None: global_environment["CRAFT_PROJECT_NAME"] = str(info.project_name) return global_environment def _get_environment_for_partitions(info: ProjectInfo) -> dict[str, str]: """Get environment variables related to partitions. Assumes the partition feature is enabled. :param info: The project information. :returns: A dictionary contain environment variables for partitions. :raises FeatureError: If the Project does not specify any partitions. """ environment: dict[str, str] = {} if not info.partitions: raise errors.FeatureError("Partitions enabled but no partitions specified.") for partition in info.partitions: formatted_partition = partition.upper().translate( {ord("-"): "_", ord("/"): "_"} ) environment[f"CRAFT_{formatted_partition}_STAGE"] = str( info.get_stage_dir(partition=partition) ) environment[f"CRAFT_{formatted_partition}_PRIME"] = str( info.get_prime_dir(partition=partition) ) return environment def _get_step_environment(step_info: StepInfo) -> dict[str, str]: """Add project and part information variables to the environment. :param step_info: Information about the current step. :return: A dictionary containing environment variables and values. """ global_environment = _get_global_environment(step_info.project_info) return { **global_environment, "CRAFT_PART_NAME": step_info.part_name, "CRAFT_STEP_NAME": getattr(step_info.step, "name", ""), "CRAFT_PART_SRC": str(step_info.part_src_dir), "CRAFT_PART_SRC_WORK": str(step_info.part_src_subdir), "CRAFT_PART_BUILD": str(step_info.part_build_dir), "CRAFT_PART_BUILD_WORK": str(step_info.part_build_subdir), "CRAFT_PART_INSTALL": str(step_info.part_install_dir), } def _combine_paths(paths: Iterable[str], prepend: str, separator: str) -> str: """Combine list of paths into a string. :param paths: The list of paths to stringify. :param prepend: A prefix to prepend to each path in the string. :param separator: A string to place between each path in the string. :return: A string with the combined paths. """ paths = [f"{prepend}{p}" for p in paths] return separator.join(paths)
[docs] def expand_environment( data: dict[str, Any], *, info: ProjectInfo, skip: list[str] | None = None ) -> None: """Replace global variables with their values. Global variables are defined by craft-parts and are the subset of the ``CRAFT_*`` step execution environment variables that don't depend on the part or step being executed. The list of global variables include ``CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET``, ``CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR``, ``CRAFT_STAGE`` and ``CRAFT_PRIME``. Additional global variables can be defined by the application using craft-parts. :param data: A dictionary whose values will have variable names expanded. :param info: The project information. :param skip: Keys to skip when performing expansion. """ global_environment = _get_global_environment(info) global_environment.update(info.global_environment) replacements: dict[str, str] = {} for key, value in global_environment.items(): # Support both $VAR and ${VAR} syntax replacements[f"${key}"] = value replacements[f"${{{key}}}"] = value # order is important - for example, `CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET_BUILD_{ON|FOR}` should be # evaluated before `CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET` to avoid premature variable expansion replacements = dict( sorted(replacements.items(), key=lambda item: len(item[0]), reverse=True) ) for key, value in data.items(): if not skip or key not in skip: data[key] = _replace_attr(value, replacements)
def _replace_attr( attr: list[str] | dict[str, str] | str, replacements: dict[str, str] ) -> list[str] | dict[str, str] | str: """Recurse through a complex data structure and replace values. The first matching replacement in the replacement map is used. For example, _replace_attr(attr="$FOO_BAR", replacements={"$FOO": "hi", "$FOO_BAR": "hello"}) would evaluate to "hi_BAR". :param attr: The data to modify, which may contain nested lists, dicts, and strings. :param replacements: A mapping of replacements to make. :returns: The data structure with replaced values. """ if isinstance(attr, str): for key, value in replacements.items(): if key in attr: _warn_if_deprecated_key(key) attr = attr.replace(key, str(value)) return attr if isinstance(attr, list | tuple): return [cast(str, _replace_attr(i, replacements)) for i in attr] if isinstance(attr, dict): result: dict[str, str] = {} for _key, _value in attr.items(): # Run replacements on both the key and value key = cast(str, _replace_attr(_key, replacements)) value = cast(str, _replace_attr(_value, replacements)) result[key] = value return result return attr def _warn_if_deprecated_key(key: str) -> None: if key in ("$CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH", "${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}"):"CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH is deprecated, use CRAFT_ARCH_BUILD_FOR") elif key in ("$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET", "${CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET}"): "CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET is deprecated, use CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET_BUILD_{ON|FOR}" )